Theory of Errors and Adjustment Calcullus (TEAC)

Page content

  1. Basic facts
  2. Lectures
  3. Practical Classes

Basic facts about the subject

  • Code: 154TEAC
  • Lectures: Prof. Ing. Martin Štroner, Ph.D.
  • Practical classes:  Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D.
  • Hours per week: 1+3
  • Credits: 6
  • End: unclassified assessment, exam
  • Room: practical classes / lectures: B971/ B977


Measurement errors and their division, two and multidimensional errors. Measurement properties, characteristics of random variables. Probability distributions. Law of accumulation of real errors, standard deviations. Characteristics of precision. Equalization of measurements. Least squares method (equating measurements of intermediate, conditional, intermediate with conditions). Alignment of bound and free geodetic grids. Regression and correlation analysis – linear regression. Basics of statistical hypothesis testing.


  1. Hampacher, M. – Štroner, M.: Zpracování a analýza měření v inženýrské geodézii. 2. vyd. Praha: Česká technika – nakladatelství ČVUT, ČVUT v Praze, 2015. 336 s. ISBN 978-80-01-05843-5
  2. Böhm, J. – Radouch, V. – Hampacher, M.: Teorie chyb a vyrovnávací počet. GKP, Praha 1990. ISBN 80-7011-056-2.
  3. Koch, K. R.: Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Linear Models. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999, ISBN 978-3-540-65257-1.


  • Participation in lectures is optional, but recommended.
  • Program of lectures is posted in the Moodle course.

Practical classes

  • Participation in practical classes is compulsory.
  • Program of practical classes is posted in the Moodle course.